Merry Christmas, I want to share with you several truths as to why we even have a holiday called Christmas to celebrate.

At the close of the book of Judges the Bible reveals just how depraved mankind had become. Judges 21:25 states “In those days there was no King in the land; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

The Nation of Israel had stooped to the place of turning their back on the very God who had time after time rescued them, preserved them and made provisions for them.

At the close of the Old Testament the Prophet Malachi preaches a message of God’s love for Israel but he also warns against the ongoing sin. Such as polluted offerings, corrupt priests, and infidelity. However, Malachi prophesies of the answer and the coming messenger who will bring a message of Hope…John the Baptist. He will also tell of a Savior with a promise and provision, protection, providential care as well as prosperity.

Over 400 years passes from the time of the last prophecy of the Old Testament and the first occurrences of the New Testament. Over and over again we see how man failed to live in accordance to God’s law, how they failed to offer suitable sacrifice for sin. Over and over again mankind’s inability to do anything about their sinful nature and the debt of it becomes vividly apparent.

You see God gave the law not that man could achieve a more holy or lofty nature but that we would realize that we are helpless to deal with spiritual things apart from the love of God. Remember this; in spite of man’s attempts to derail the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in spite of man’s hard heartedness and unwillingness to surrender to the calling of God, man has not evolved to a place in which we have risen above sin and a charge of guilty by the one who created us. We still need a Savior. The Gospel of Luke 2:4-14 records the ushering in of that hope and answer.

God did not send His only son to earth to boost the economy through holiday expenditures. Jesus didn’t come to institute a policy of gift giving, Listen close; Jesus Christ did not come to this earth to sanctify family time. Christmas is not for the purpose of family…It’s about the birth of a Savior for a lost and sinful people who were without hope! Christmas is about mankind’s need for a Savior! It is about that which sets the precedence of for love, sets the precedence for family, and sets the precedence for gift giving.

Christmas is about the coming to life of Emanuel which means “God with us” Christmas is about the coming to life of the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus! The hope of mankind. A people of no hope now have an eternal future through the love of God! The greatest gift!

There is so much confusion today even among Christians as to what the Gospel is.

The Bible says in Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man out of the dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” We must resolve that God created us, therefore I am His.

The Bible also proclaims in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” You see we all have to resolve that we have a sin problem that must be dealt with.

Something else we must resolve in our heart, soul and mind. The only solution to his or her sin problem is the only solution offered by God…Salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Jesus proclaims “I am the way the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

The Apostle Paul in Acts 26:18 shares with his readers exactly why he is called to preach. The message of his calling is true for all those called to the Gospel Ministry. Listen to what he says “To open their eyes so that they may turn (repentance) from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.”

Through faith and repentance a person is forgiven their sin and granted eternal life. This is Christmas, this is why we gather and celebrate…the Birth of a Savior!

Merry Christmas!


Barry Campbell

Newby Management Chaplain

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