If you’re like me you probably hear people say, “People are the worst!” or “People are just plain mean!” The reference here is to what our culture commonly refers to as “Karens.” Have you encountered one of these individuals? You don’t have to wonder if you’ve ever...
The Chaplain’s blog is a space for faith-based discussions and how those principles carry over into our every day operations at Newby Management.
Barnabas The Encourager
Acts 9:26-28 26 When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to meet with the believers, but they were all afraid of him. They did not believe he had truly become a believer! 27 Then Barnabas brought him to the apostles and told them how Saul had seen the Lord on the way...
My Cup Runs Over
Recently I was returning from a work trip to Florida’s east coast. I began to think a lot about all that I have going on personally but also all that we are doing as Newby Management. It was only a month or so ago we completed our Strawberry Social season, the Easter...
Distinctly Christian
Distinctly Christian The fact that Newby Management is a “Christian company” has never been hidden under a rock. Through the years this practice has brought positive results and it has brought about negative experiences as well. If I was trying to be super spiritual...
Give it to God
Give it to God 1/31/23 Philippians 4:6-9 So often in life I would “pray” and “give something over to God” only to pick it up again…Not satisfied with God’s timing…His answer…His silence on the matter…I truly believe experiencing the blessing promised in scripture of...
Engaging The Word
Through the years there have been times in my life of great discipline and commitment given to the reading and study of the Bible. At other times, my attentiveness to the Word of God has been less than inspiring. The plain truth of the matter is, I can look back now...